
C.P. Bourg maintains a long-standing commitment to the environment. While ensuring that we deliver products of the highest standards, we also engage our employees, suppliers and customers to tackle issues relating to our community and the environment. We strive to be responsible global citizens and seek to achieve environmental sustainability in these key areas:


We are dedicated to increasing efficiency in our day-to-day processes in order to reduce our energy consumption. We develop technologies that are aimed at increasing energy efficiency and reducing our carbon footprint. Our machines are designed to use less power with built-in standby modes, automatic power-off features and pre-scheduled power-on functions. The result is lower energy consumption and higher cost savings for our customers.

We also place great emphasis on saving energy in our premises. C.P. Bourg employees understand the importance of energy conservation in reducing our costs as well as greenhouse gas emissions. We encourage our employees to play their part for the environment by switching off lights, office and manufacturing equipment when they are not in use.

Recycling & Waste management

Recycling and reducing waste is one of our highest concerns. Our production facilities are heavily invested in waste prevention and management. We have designed manufacturing processes to optimize the use of resources and minimize waste production through reusing and recycling production materials. Our team is also actively managing document workflow and output for a greener office environment. Where possible, we strongly encourage our employees to use recycling paper.

While we are conscious of our internal waste management, we also encourage our customers to do the same. Keeping the sustainability of our environment in mind, our machines have been designed to handle synthetic paper as well as recycled paper. We also have a comprehensive recycling program where packaging from incoming goods are recovered or recycled. All our products packaging are recyclable and where possible, we use reusable packaging for goods delivered to our customers.


C.P. Bourg aims to reduce its carbon footprint by minimizing transportation of goods through consolidated deliveries. Our fleet of vehicles is of the latest generation and environmentally friendly – modern vehicles, small engines, low fuel consumption and regularly monitored for greenhouse gas emissions. We also have a global presence, with offices throughout Europe and the US. This allows geographical proximity to our customers and helps to limit the travel of commercial and technical teams. The result is improved response time while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

We are using EICC (Electronic Industry Code of Conduct) set of standards as guideline in our social, ethical and environmental policies.